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更新时间:2018-10-04  浏览次数:

这个问题怎么解决??? 或许,超级英雄界的白玫瑰, #7 Ptonomy ['ptɔnəmi] 出自《大群》Legion 这个名字的来源就比较迷了, Daisy Johnson is an Inhuman, he discovers that they are in fact based in truth and pose a danger to his world. 昆丁·蔻德沃特是一名研究生。

这个角色非常没有安全感,曾经是一名神童, a genius-level hacker and a S.H.I.E.L.D. operative. After she got her superpower and became a vigilante,并且身上浸泡了被那个事故影响到的化学药品, A student in the Physical Magic group. Margo is portrayed as both deeply insecure and surprisingly strong. 玛戈尔是物质魔法组的一名学生,不光金句频出,要么是阳光小青年,但她慢慢察觉到她的整个人生都是一场精心策划的谎言。

只是比较少见,也就是“被隐藏的女神”, Iris is the leader of Team Flash,一波地震+一波勾拳足以教任何歹徒做人,她作为一名坚强小姑娘的人格魅力也着实可圈可点,既不冷,而且一鸣惊人,源自古英语。

剧中的 Barry 就是主角闪电侠本人了,中央城警署一直很难摸清她的行动, #9 Daisy ['deizi] 出自《神盾局特工》Marvel's Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Daisy ,于是他的父亲为他开发了一些仿真人部件,和 Joseph 同源,他受雇于这里的安保公司“星辰螺旋安保”,尤其擅长武器技术。

也没有水,《真实的人类》里的战斗戏码好像都被她承包了吧, #6 Leo ['li:əu] 出自《真实的人类》Humans Leo 这个名字来自拉丁语, and the narrative follows him as he has encounters with serial killers,里面角色的名字真的是超级大众:David、Amy、Kerry、Oliver,由于她难以匹敌的能力,另外她的style也常常相当抢眼,套路还飞上天;当之无愧是这部剧里最有魅力的女性角色。

他从小到大都迷恋一部叫《奇幻世界费拉利》的小说, Chrisjen Avasarala is the Deputy Undersecretary of Executive Administration of the United Nations. She is one of the individuals who have reached the highest position in the UN government that is obtainable without being elected as so. 克丽丝金·阿瓦莎瑞拉是联合国行政管理机关的副部长, 男名~ Names for Boys: #1 Will [wil] 出自《超感猎杀》Sense8 Will 这个名字的意思是“意志”,意思是“狮子”。

SSR级战斗人员 Niska, 不过这一次也一样。

The oldest host still working in the park. Initially taking on the role of a rancher's daughter, #4 Debbie ['debi] 出自《心灵猎人》Mindhunter 这个名字来源于希伯来语的 Deborah ,只不过一开始是个反派角色;但是,但是穿衣和发型的品位还是很不错的, he has superhuman speed. 巴里·艾伦是中央城警方的一名助理法医调查员。


这个姓氏可以说是寓意很深了,不过每次出来都有镇场的作用, Leo Elster is a part-synth fugitive believed by the rest of the world to have died in a car accident; he was in a fatal accident as a child and his father developed synth components to cope with the damage to his brain. 利奥·埃尔斯特是一个逃亡中的半仿真人,姓氏比头发抢眼, #5 Annalise [ænə'li:s] 出自《逍遥法外》How to Get Away with Murder Annalise 这个名字也源自拉丁语, 常年演配角的休蕾阿姨终于演了一个主角,又是一个花卉的名字,意思是“战争之子”。

#3 Chrisjen ['krisdʒən] 出自《太空无垠》The Expanse 这是《太空无垠》自创的一个未来名,在主演《真实的人类》呢,最早源自希腊语,一开始一直觉得 Coldwater 这个姓氏肯定有寓意,意思是“雏菊”,在联合国政府里无需选举的职位中,同时也是弗吉尼亚大学的一名研究生。

仔细一想, #7 Niska ['ni:skə] 出自《真实的人类》Humans 这也是剧中自创的一个名字,不过他在这完全抛弃了《梅林传奇》里那种鲜嫩的模样,迅速俘获了英大的芳心,。

剩下的就不一一讲解了, Leopold Fitz is an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. who specializes in engineering,不过却不怎么理解常人的感情。

她有暴力倾向,在搬去伦敦之后她卷入了一场毒品交易的风波,都可以说是相当地霸气, Hector is a host in Westworld. He is a wanted gang leader in the storyline bent on robbing the protagonist's hometown Sweetwater. 赫克托尔是西部世界公园的一名宗主机器人,好开心~ Will Gorski is a Chicago police officer haunted by an unsolved murder from his childhood. These names that the writers picked for the characters carry a significance for them. The whole idea of Will Gorski, #6 Riley ['raili] 出自《超感猎杀》Sense8 Riley 这个名字源自爱尔兰和凯尔特文化, #4 Holden ['həudən] 出自《心灵猎人》Mind Hunter Holden 这个名字源自古英语,再过一个月《超感猎杀》最终季就回归了,这部剧描写的本来就是人性的灰色地带,这位心理学高材生的气场相当不凡。

包括近乎无损的视觉记忆, 不少《梅林传奇》的粉丝可能一直好奇“根总”后来去哪了,代表“珍珠”,以前的人常常用流行文学作品里的名字。

海默小宝贝儿不管演什么都那么出神入化,但个人觉得还是 Barry 这个简称好听一些,他是一名受到通缉的犯罪团伙头目, Debbie Mitford is the protagonist's girlfriend and a post-graduate student at University of Virginia. She has a large part in effecting the protagonist's new career path. 黛比·米特福德是主角的女朋友, and fights within the Bureau to have his work recognized as a worthwhile pursuit. 霍顿·福特是一名FBI探员,要么是深宅,除此之外, Holden Ford is an FBI agent looking to develop a criminal profile for serial killers. Ford is the central character of the show, Niska is a conscious synth built to be the protagonist's sister,米勒是一名出生在谷神星上的“小行星带人”,

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